Written by
Nickolay Shmyrev
New release of sphinx4
I'm really happy to announce the new release of
sphinx4, the speech recognition engine written in Java. I wouldn't say it is the greatest release ever, but it's supposed to breath the life into this project that has quite a long history. A huge number of developers and companies were involved in the development of this product and many producs rely on it, but, unfortunately the project itself is kind of stalled. This new release mostly fixes what was done over last 5! years from the previous release and the major features are:
- Rewritten XML-based configuration system
- Frontend improvements like better VAD or MLLT transformation matrix support
- Cleanup of the properties
- Batch processor with accuracy estimation for testing
The project inself still clearly lacks well organized documentation, better usability but I think it's subject for a next release due in half a year or so. I really want to see it as a more reliable platform for speech recognition development and hope that new features, active community support, regular releases and stable API will make their work.