Written by
Nickolay Shmyrev
Speech Recognition in GSoC Done Right
From year to year many end-user projecs are trying to push ASR with the help of Google and studens of the Summer Of Code program. If CMUSphinx team knows all about ASR, why should we stay away from that?
I had diverse experience with Google Summer Of Code before, but I still like this process and enjoy communication with new people. I think we have good chances to succeed here. So I started and filed an application proposal and the initial list of ideas
http://cmusphinx.sourceforge.net/wiki/summerofcode2010I will submit this proposal on March 8 after program start. We need more ideas now. As much as you can generate
http://cmusphinx.sourceforge.net/wiki/summerofcodeideasWe need to have more or less representative list. If you want to be a mentor, don't hestitate to write down your irc nick as well.