Written by
Nickolay Shmyrev
Information flows of the future
It is interesting how similar ideas raise here and there
in seemingly unrelated context. The recent quote from Actionable
Book Summary: The Inevitable by Kevin Kelly
And what’s next probably looks like this: Imagine zillion streams of
information interacting with each other, communicating, pulsating. A new
type of computer, tracking and recording everything we do. The future
will be less about owning stuff and more about being part of flowing
information that will supposedly make our lives easier.
Compare to the quote from Secushare draft:
secushare employs GNUnet for end-to-end encryption and anonymizing mesh
routing (because it has a more suitable architecture than Tor or I2P) and
applies PSYC on top (because it performs better than XMPP, JSON or
OStatus) to create a distributed social graph.