I was pleased to find out renovated website by Keith Vertanen and an amazing real-life example of creation of the pocketsphinx application Parakeet, a dictation app with correction for Nokia...
While tunning the acoustic model I've got again 40% WER and in the log the following:THEY'RE ONLY ALLOWED TEN TO a CLASS (a100)*** HAD BARELY LEAD CANDY a CLASSIC (a100)Words:...
Most CMU Sphinx websites are outdated. The problems with the one at sourceforge are: Not so modern styleNo interactivityLoosely organized outdated informationHard to manage/updateNo CMS/searchAlso there is a generic problem...
Sometimes people ask: why there is no high-quality open source speech recognition applications (dictation application, IVR applications, closed-captions alignment, language acquisition and so on). The answer obviously is that nobody...
From my experience, in every activity it's important to have multilevel view of any activity, interesting is that it's both part of Getting Things Done and just a good practice...
It's interesting that a lot of activity around speech software happen recently. I'm probably too impatient trying to track everything interesting. Even through ISCA-students added twitter feed recently, their website...
Recently I've added the support for the SRILM language model server to the sphinx4 so it's possible to use much bigger models during the search keeping the same memory requriements...
Interesting how ideas rise from time to time in seemingly unrelated places. Recently I've read nice post in John Well's blog about the proper RP English rhythm and now that...
It was pleasant to find out that results of the Blizzard Challenge 2009 are now available. Thanks a lot ot organizers and participants!Reading the articles took me half of the...
It's sometimes hard to adopt quickly the new opportunities world provide. I'm being reading now Innovator's Dilemma by Clayton M. Christensen. Thanks to Ellias for the advice, it really seems...