Training of the large database requires a cluster. SphinxTrain supports training on Torque:PBS for example, to do this you need to set the following configuration variables:$CFG_QUEUE_TYPE = "Queue::PBS";and set the...
After quite a lot of training of the model on a small part of database to test things I came to conclusion that the main issue is a bad prompts....
Inspired by Daniel's Holth application to remove word "twitter" from podcasts: think it's a very good idea to implement keyword filter to block advertizing in podcasts. Though support for keyword...
Recently the option to bypass delta and delta-delta feature extraction process and directly apply LDA transform matrix to the cepstrum coefficients of sequential frames was added to sphinxtrain. To use...
I've read some books on business recently:Project Management 10 Days MBA Marketing They sometimes repeat each other but actually have few interesting moments. At least I started to look on...
I decided to finally go forward and publish my modifications of frama-c Eclipse plugin I'm doing at work. Moreover I decided to try git/github. Let's see how it goes. The...
After almost a year of wondering I finally discovered what does this mean in sphinx4 config files: <component name="activeListManager" type=""> <propertylist name="activeListFactories"> <item>standardActiveListFactory</item> <item>wordActiveListFactory</item> <item>wordActiveListFactory</item> <item>standardActiveListFactory</item> <item>standardActiveListFactory</item> <item>standardActiveListFactory</item> </propertylist> </component>Actually...
Today with the help of my chief I've found FindBugs, a nice static analyzer that tries to find the issues in Java code and reports about them. It's a very...
This change started some time ago, but now it's mostly finished and announced. The tree could be found here: discussion is here.I'm glad to see the progress happens, big thanks...
Russian GNOME 2.26 is 100% translated. Congratulations to the team for their hard work.