Speech technology is continuously disrupted by neural network things and generative AI approaches. A good example is the TTS area. In the last years a hundred methods and models have...
Чем дольше мы изучаем реальность, тем необычней она нам кажется. Например, по текущим представлениям, мозг обладает следующими свойствами: 1. мозг -- высокопараллельная система, 1. информация в мозгу передаётся с помощью...
It is interesting that the longer we study the reality the more unusual it appears to us. For example, if we think about brain, there are two important ideas we...
По аналогии с [тестом открытых русских моделей](https://alphacephei.com/nsh/2023/01/22/russian-models.html) мы протестировали популярные сервисы для распознавания речи на записях телефонии. Результаты на сентябь 2023: {:class="table table-bordered"} | Dataset | Vosk 0.52 | Яндекс...
Recently Facebook released MMS and Seamless models for multilingual ASR and translation Releases got some coverage in media and frequently mentioned as a cool model on Github. Claims from the...
Обновлено 15.04.2024: Последняя версия за 2024 год здесь: Обновлено 10.04.2023: * добавлены 3 набора данных - телевещание, медицина (спасибо Александре Антоновой), русский librispeech * добавлены 2 модели - vosk 0.42,...
Whisper is very popular these days, so here are some more observations on it. Whisper has many cool properties like very good generic transcription accuracy or accurate punctuation, but Whisper...
_"The wind blows to the south and turns to the north; round and round it goes, ever returning on its course." - Ecclesiastes 1:6_ _"Hundred years day and night spins...
Whisper popularity wave continues. Many projects appear for whisper-based web services, whisper on mobile and so on. Some projects modify Whisper models and algorithms to improve speed and it raises...
Recently Kaldi project released a pack of models trained on Gigaspeech. You can find them [here](http://kaldi-asr.org/models/m14) Models are good, not significantly better than our previous model, but not significantly worse...